Dec 17, 20238 min read
Singapore and the negative parts of its corporate culture
So far, I have been discussing the interesting aspects that made Singapore such an economic and political success worthy of emulation...

Oct 17, 20237 min read
Singapore and its social engineering
As with any other tourist cities, Singapore offers T-shirts that say "My mother went to Singapore and all I got was this lousy T-shirt”. ...

Aug 29, 20226 min read
Singapore and its road policy
The Singapore government have had the luxury of a string of uninterrupted victories at general elections for 63 years, from before...

Jul 20, 20228 min read
Singapore and its unique constitution provisions
Singapore is a small country with a very high soft power index. The 2019 pre-pandemic Soft Power 30 Report ranked Singapore third in...

Apr 28, 20229 min read
The tragic shadow of Russia's history on its worldview
I have read much analysis of the reasoning behind Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, including those by professional Russia watchers & experts...

Jan 19, 202211 min read
Impact of culture & history on China's foreign policy - Part 1 Origins
China's recent rise has made many uncomfortable with its direction as a world power. The experience called China and its thinking are so...

Jan 19, 20228 min read
Impact of culture & history on China's foreign policy - Part 2 Chinese hegemony or Western colonials
China's recent rise has made many uncomfortable with its direction as a world power. The experience called China and its thinking are so...

Jan 19, 202214 min read
Impact of culture & history on China's foreign policy - Part 3 Weight of history
China's recent rise has made many uncomfortable with its direction as a world power. The experience called China and its thinking are so...

Jan 19, 202214 min read
Impact of culture & history on China's foreign policy - Part 4 Challenges
China's recent rise has made many uncomfortable with its direction as a world power. The experience called China and its thinking are so...

Jan 18, 202215 min read
Impact of culture & history on China's foreign policy - Part 5 Test of legitimacy
China's recent rise has made many uncomfortable with its direction as a world power. The experience called China and its thinking are so...

Jan 18, 20227 min read
Judging past heroes and tyrants
How do we judge peoples of the past - is the past or the present more relevant? Much has been said about what we do with statues of in...

Jan 14, 20225 min read
Currents of history
People often ask me how I maintain my optimism in face of setbacks and a despairing world. Call me over-analytical but here is what I...

Jan 5, 202210 min read
Role of theology in America's divide today
We see many Christian references during the Capitol riots of Jan 6 and many people wonder whether conspiracy theories and the political...